unraveling trashy fashion
project type

Infographic Poster · Data Visualization · 3D Modeling

project overview

Polyester has become one of the most prominent materials used in the fashion industry. By providing awareness surrounding the detrimental impacts that polyester has throughout its life cycle we can make fashion choices that minimize the impact.


Most clothing and textiles nowadays are created using synthetic fibers with polyester overtaking cotton as the number one produced textile material globally in the industry. While an effective and versatile fabric, this comes with a number of consequences for ourselves and the environment at each stage of polyester’s life cycle: production, use, and disposal. Despite a rising concern from consumers, it's unlikely that polyester will go out of style anytime soon. However, becoming educated on the negative ramifications that it has can allow us to make decisions about our fashion and textile consumption that promote a better future for us and our environment.


Designed using the same tactics that fashion magazines use to promote trends, this poster educates viewers on the problems with polyester as a mainstream textile, and encourages sustainable consumer lifestyle choices.


At a place where fashion is raised on a pedestal, this installation requires participants to come face to face with the ugly truth of fashion and textiles that end up discarded in landfills.

unraveling trashy fashion
project type

Infographic Poster · Data Visualization · 3D Modeling

project overview

Polyester has become one of the most prominent materials used in the fashion industry. By providing awareness surrounding the detrimental impacts that polyester has  throughout its life cycle we can make fashion choices that minimize the impact.


Most clothing and textiles nowadays are created using synthetic fibers with polyester overtaking cotton as the number one produced textile material globally in the industry. While an effective and versatile fabric, this comes with a number of consequences for ourselves and the environment at each stage of polyester’s life cycle: production, use, and disposal. Despite a rising concern from consumers, it's unlikely that polyester will go out of style anytime soon. However, becoming educated on the negative ramifications that it has can allow us to make decisions about our fashion and textile consumption that promote a better future for us and our environment.

Infographic Poster

Designed using the same tactics that fashion magazines use to promote trends, this poster educates viewers on the problems with polyester as a mainstream textile, and encourages sustainable consumer lifestyle choices.

Educational Installation

At a place where fashion is raised on a pedestal, this installation requires participants to come face to face with the ugly truth of fashion and textiles that end up discarded in landfills.